Wednesday, 12 June 2019

AGP - Review of the most powerful 1 hour spent in the week

There are so many options for our kids these days. When I say that I mean there are many ways to have your kids spend their time, whether its therapeutic, recreational, athletic, academic, lifestyle or just plain entertainment.  How many of us really analyze the percentages of where they spend their DEVELOPMENTAL time?

According to many developmental psychologists, "normal" development occurs on a continual slope towards eventual adulthood.  Well...we support the concept that discontinuity (changes do not occur continuously on a predictable timetable) which is more true for those with special needs. In particular for 'developmental delays' that require interventions which contribute to gradual changes which promote neuroplasticity.

For those with children who have particular disorders and special needs we know that developmental progress is the key to 'time spent in program's or with respite, or in therapy and in school.

As a provider of services and programs for special needs children and adults we find ourselves assessing, evaluating and improving our techniques and quality to enhance the development of those we service.

In particular our Adapted Gym Program (AGP) which began in 2002 with a few children; whom we wanted to provide some physical-emotional release and improve motor skills.  Little did we know that after a few years of effort, education and experience it would enhance the lives of so many children and teens!

The AGP is a actually a "designed process"It directly bridges the gap between recreation and therapy. ..If it were strictly recreation(such as sport or fitness class), then it would not be intense or individualized enough for intervention. If it were only therapy (such as OT or PT), then it would be not incorporate engaging fantasy for social connection or developmental interventions for motor skills or be fun.

Why is the AGP the most powerful hour in a week for child?
  •  Individualized and one on one 
  •  Instructors who are trained and ready to provide care
  •  It challenges social cues with the Instructor prompts and directedness
  •  Intervention of all individual motor skills - six core deficits identified
  •  Improves emotional dysregulation
...and some less tangible AGP observed benefits:
  •  Increases self-esteem
  •  Children have the freedom to enjoy the interactions
  •  Develops relationships with the Instructor who identifies with your child
  •  Comfortable non-judgemental environment
  •  Specifically designed space and equipment use.
"Attending all day school or part-time ABA sessions cannot provide this much focus and intensiveness in a short time.  AGP time well spent!"

As our practice origins were in brain and neurological injuries/disorders it seemed to make good sense to help intervene with those within the Autism spectrum and related disorders.  Over the years we have accumulated the most experience and information regarding ASD physical-emotional development than anyone in the field. To our knowledge we were the first in Canada to identify and demonstrate the core motor deficits in ASD's.

Always learning...

written by Mr.Corey Evans HBSc.
Executive Director, BODiWORKS Institute
Founder of the AGP, ETR & BBAIM