When you hear the word 'occupation',
what do you think of? You may be thinking along the lines of 'work skills' and
wondering, what does that have to do with my child? Occupational Therapists
define the word ‘occupation’ as the activities and tasks that individuals
perform in their everyday lives that have value and meaning for them. This can
include looking after themselves (self-care),
enjoying life (leisure) and
contributing to their communities (productivity)
(CAOT, 1997a).
For a child, their main occupation is PLAY. It
is through play that they grow and learn to experience the world and how things
work. Play has a huge influence on many domains of child development including:

Gross and
fine motor
Sensory processing
Children with disabilities often face many barriers to play – these can be
physical, social, cognitive, etc (Majnemer, 2010). These barriers often are
associated with issues in development that cause difficulties in their ability
to carry out their daily activities. This is where Occupational Therapists can
help! By using a client centred,
evidence-based and holistic approach, Occupational Therapists assess the
child, in their occupations, within the context of their environment to
determine where the difficulties may lie. Then they set goals and
collaboratively determine practical solutions to enable the child’s engagement!
To help guide our practice, we use the Person Environment Occupation Model (Law et al., 1996). Here’s
an example: A child is having trouble putting on their velcro shoes which
in turn is leading to the frustration of not being able to go play outside with
his friends as fast as he would like (their
occupation). In this case, the Occupational Therapist would work with the
child to provide activities to improve his hand and finger strength (the person) as well as search for
environmental modifications that could help with the task i.e. providing larger
velcro straps (their environment).
Occupational Therapists are always working
towards helping to enable independence
for children to learn the skills that will lead to increased confidence,
self-esteem and overall quality of life!
written by Rachel Tavares Reg.(OT)
BODiWORKS Institute